Testimonials for Pat Butler

·      Talking with Pat is like taking a mental/emotional power nap.—Katie Denyes, Mentoree, Operation Mobilization, USA

·      Thanks for walking through life with Katie, Pat! You're an answer to a prayer I prayed for her while she was in my belly.—Katie’s Mom, Michigan, USA

·      Pat’s course [Spiritual Formation for Artists] using the hero's journey was helpful in that it tracked relevant aspects of going through life's ordinary processes in story form, a very accessible one that can be reapplied at various life stages.—Heidi Salzwedel, Artist, Teacher, Incarnate alumna, South Africa 

·       Pat is the pole star in my way. Her words are winds of spring.—Cheong Mak, Visual Artist, Hong Kong

·      Long ago, in a remote Italian village, you helped transform the journeys of the very first group of legendary Incarnate heroes. I was one of the "manatees", and I'm still grateful for the healing, awakening, and commissioning all those years ago.  I am still inspired by your newsletters and excited for your long-awaited book release!—Tiffany Clarke, Artist, North Carolina, USA