Sic Locutus Est
“Just as he said” (Luke 1:70) is the translation from the Latin Sic Locutus Est.
Strange words—in Latin, Greek, or Hebrew—help me remember the deep truths I learn. Because like any dumb sheep, I can forget the most profound morning revelation by lunchtime (at the latest, even with post-it notes). I haven't forgotten Sic Locutus Est since I learned it several weeks ago. (Thank you Biola Advent Calendar 2021!) It just stuck. And I wanted to remember things God has promised. Because we are involved in a long obedience in the same direction, as Eugene Peterson reminded us.
So this is our theme for 2022. Behind lies the deeper questions that plague Christendom: on prayer and hearing God—by far the biggest frustration/mystery/complaint I hear from Christ followers. No matter how much mileage you have along the narrow way Jesus calls us to, discerning God’s voice remains a constant challenge. It’s an art form unto itself, but one we can master with some degree of confidence. As Jesus said, “My sheep know, recognize, and listen to my voice” (John 10).
If we don’t gain some skill, how can we communicate with the Lover of our Soul, the Bridegroom, the Head of the Body, the Counselor, the Spirit, Father, Brother, Prophet, Friend? How can we follow him, answer his calls, find him in our caves, or know what to do in certain situations? How will we obey him or stay safe as he warns us of dangers? Our lives are at risk (spiritually, emotionally, physically) and our relationship with God is in jeopardy.
English or Latin?
Whatever the language, let’s sharpen our skills in 2022—learning to discern God's voice among the kabillion screaming at us. As usual, we’ll use the Hero’s Journey, starting with Ordinary World and Hope. Are you with me?
Write your favorite question on this subject in the comments below. And I have a particular hero’s journey I’m proceeding on this year. I invite you to choose one of your own, one you seek clarity on, direction, some particular goal.
Because he has also promised, “Never will I leave you. Never will I forsake you.”
#siclocutusest #Luke1_70 #BiolaAdventCalendar2021 #JanuarySeries2022 #herosjourney #thewritersjourney #mythicmonastery #CollisionHowIFoundMyLifeByAccident #restoration #transformation #healing #healingwords #christianity #christianlife #biblicalliving #christianliving #goodnews #faithoverfear #resurrectionlife #lifeinchrist #abundantlife #journeywithin #innerlife #secretplace #innerjourney