Mythic Monastery

Tips, Resources, Inspiration


·      Marlene Bagnull, Write His Answer

·      Richard Goodman, The Soul of Creative Writing

·      Natalie Goldberg, Writing Down the Bones

·      Stephen King, On Writing

·      Anne Lamott, Bird by Bird

·      Noah Lukeman, A Dash of Style, the Art and Matery of Punctuation.

·      Madeleine L’Engle, Herself, Reflections on a Writing Life (Compiled by Carole F. Chase).

·      Kelli Sallman, Inklings & Inspiration, Vol. 2

·      Sol Stein, Stein on Writing

·      Brenda Ueland, If You Want to Write

·      Deanne Welsh, When God Calls a Writer

Coming Soon:

Marketing Tips

Fundraising Tips

Book Launch Tips


Mental Health



Recommended Resources

•   “A Heart of Forgiveness” Patricia Butler, downloadable PDF.

•   Dr. Grant Mullen has many resources on his website on forgiveness. Start with a search for weekly videos on the subject.

•   “Forgiveness,” Chapter 7, Listening Prayer, Leanne Payne, (Grand Rapids: Hamewith Books, Baker Books, 1994)

•   Forgiving Others, free resource on Freedom in Christ Ministries website. Also look for The Steps to Freedom in Christ, Dr. Neil T. Anderson

•   I Choose to Forgive, Dr. Dianne Collard, Cascade Books; Expanded edition, Eugene, OR, 2018

•   The Art of Forgiving, Lewis Smedes, Random House, New York, 1996