Collision Update April 2022
With glacial speed, we’ve moved forward on proofreading, text formatting, back copy and a snazzy new cover image, and a pre-order link! From these, I created my first batch of promo materials (almost depleted already), and had one ‘soft book launch,’ which was loads of fun. (Soft as in there’s no hard copy yet, just the pre-order link. A warm up lap.) You can read about it here.
We’re in the grueling end stage of finalizing proofs, and have a tentative release date of June 2022. Collision has been in pre-order sales for about six weeks now, and is puttering along nicely.
The learning curve continues with investigations and explorations into the publishing world: Net Galley (abandoning it), Amazon ads (the wormhole), and Goodreads (a gold mine). My first podcast went up and out into the ether, and you can catch it here.
With two trips, a round or home improvements, and multiple workshops, challenges, coachings, and publishing ephemera to round out the chaos, I’m ready for vacation!
But First. . .
Still need to create a launch team, review team, prayer team, prepare materials, ordering gifts and materials for the hard launch, prepare thank you packages for the kickstarter donors, and dig deeper into Amazon Ads. I’ve already got a test run going so I learn the ropes, but I have miles to go before I sleep.
Thanks for following this journey! I hope it’s helpful for beginner writers and readers to appreciate what happens behind the scenes. God knows I had no idea, and He has taught me so much in this process.
Sic Locutus Est
My mantra remains Sic Locutus Est—"Just as He Promised" (Luke 1:55). Sometimes the promise of a book requires conquering enemy territory. The battle has been fierce—truly kingdoms in collision, but victory is in sight. By the grace of God, I’ll still be standing, holding Collision high as a kite and leaping for joy.
Watch this space.