Collision Update February 2022

UPDATE 2/11: LINK IS LIVE FOR PRE-ORDER SALES! Click HERE for a 10% discount.

As December closed, I wrote: “the manuscript is being formatted for print.” And I repeat, the manuscript is being formatted for print. Sigh.

I learned that this is actually a two-step process. Proofreading is done, which bounces it back to text formatting, and then I receive the final formatted, proofread copy to approve. I’m training my eyeballs now.

In the meantime, I’ve received the updated cover image, so can proceed on ordering up some cards and postcards, just in time for two upcoming missions conference. It doesn’t look likely that I’ll have books for either one, certainly not this month, but I’ll have cards!

Also still waiting on an ebook format, and an Advanced Review Copy (ARC) for book reviewers.

As for going to print, let’s throw spaghetti at the wall: we might could tentatively possibly very optimistically go to the printer by mid-March. With a tentative possible might could somewhat realistic Spring release date, which I’m guessing will be more like late spring/early summer.

Then the 30-day sprint of high speed launch/marketing begins, during which I have thirty days to convince booksellers Collision will sell. Given the numbers I have to hit, it feels humanly impossible, but with God, all things are possible. And the book is in his hands to send where he will. The message is already going out via social media, podcast, private conversations, and Zoom calls.

What are God’s intentions for this book? I won’t profess to know a fraction of it. What I do know: already, he has steadily increased my sphere of influence. I never imagined I’d be on a podcast, with two invitations waiting, but here I am. Watch this space.

Sic Locutus Est

If you’ve been following this saga, you know my year’s theme is Sic Locutus Est—"Just as He Promised" (Luke 1:55). I return to this phrase over and over, as the challenges come, the deadlines go, strength is renewed, and promises are answered.

Hope deferred makes the heart sick. But watching and waiting for God to fulfill more promises keeps hope alive. My hope and prayer for you is that you will fan into flame the hopes and dreams you have, watch and wait, and see miracles this spring—just as he promised. Blessings to you from the watchtower.


South Carolina, Malta, & Seniors Plotting in the Kingdom

